Monthly Archives: July 2012

Cooking & Booking

Here’s the thing – I’m bad at cooking.  So when I find something I can make, I need to make sure I don’t forget how.  Unfortunately, awhile back I forgot something that I tried once that turned out rather successful.  Since then, I’ve been trying to list all of the recipes/meals I can make.  While I was at it, I figured that there are more than likely a lot of other guys out there who have no idea how to cook for themselves.  If I can do it, then anyone can. 

Cinnamon rolls – Now don’t those look absolutely scrumptious?

So I gathered my recipes and decided to compile them into a collection (a cookbook of sorts) that I will offer through my site once I have a finished product.  So if you know anyone who is graduating from school, about to move out on their own, fears burning the house down every time they turn on the stove, or are just a man in general, then keep them in mind with this rather practical gift idea.  Once this project has been completed, you’ll notice a new page at the top of my site where you can purchase a copy…or two, or three.  So start making your list now!  Be advised that this will not be anything complicated and will only have a handful of recipes that a guy can rely on – short and sweet.

While you’re here, I’ll even let you help me name the project!  Place your vote below and help me decide on a title.

Thank you, that is all.